I will grant that the March Dress made me do some unexpected things while wearing it for photos. For one, glaring at the camera just seemed the thing to do in this dress. I even had the inclination to smoulder (as best I could anyway). Also, I kept putting one hand on my hip. Very curious behavior indeed.

So, I like lists. As evidenced by practically every post ever by me.
Good things about the March Dress/Experience:
1) Used up some fabric that I had been hoarding.
2) Learned that I can kind of smoulder. If I want to. On special occasions.
3) Now I know - one shouldered styles are not so much for me.
4) The shoes (Seychelles Aquamarine) bought to go with this dress are mine forever. ha HA!
5) I did finish a lot of other projects while procrastinating on this one.
Bad things:
1) Maybe I made a dress for myself that won't ever get worn - not how this is supposed to work.
2) Not entirely convinced that the fit is right yet.
3) Being frustrated with a dress does not make for an enjoyable hobby.
4) Three attempts to get this dress done and it's still not perfect!
5) I wasted a whole month's dress on this! That's 1/12 of my new wardrobe ruined.
The wounds are still fresh and I am willing to give March Dress a second chance. Perhaps if I put it away for a little while . . . yes maybe, even in my closet, the dress will look much better to me when I take her out again. I think that is a plan. June maybe? I'll take March out for a spin in June and we'll just see.
Needles broken/replaced: 1
Spools of Thread used: 3