Now, this would have been an amazing response if the play had been West Side Story or even A Streetcar Named Desire. Alas no. The play we saw was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Even those who barely know the storyline must be aware that the cast is comprised of mostly of men. Nutty ones. Who sometimes prance about in their underpants. While I give A.B. points for keeping it local with those Pacific Northwest ties, I question . . . well, pretty much everything else.
Knowing of his extreme distaste for anything medical related, I can honestly say that Adorable Boyfriend was not daydreaming about a little nurse's uniform. This, of course, leaves only the . . . shall we say . . . loose women? (This is a family blog after all.) Ah yes, Candy and Sandy: The inspiration behind the April Dress.
Of course, the play we saw had Candy and Sandy in vintagey pencil skirts and tucked in shirts, so I think this was just AB's way of reiterating his distaste for full skirts. While I completely disagree with his anti-poof sentiments, I think I can support a pencil skirt every once in a while.
For April I am also going to pull from a design we did way back in February 2009 (Hi Carissa!) that never got the attention it really deserved (Thank you very little blizzard!). I also happen to have saved (hoarded?) extra floral charmeuse from that dress which I am still crazy about. So a breezy blousy top in the floral attached to a high waisted pencil skirt. This time around, the skirt shall be purple. I think the hookers would approve.